Transition Properties

Transition properties are represented by an object containing all transition parameters of a variant.

They are one of the two parts that compose a Variant, with Motion Properties.



You can specify a delay which will be added every time the transition is pushed.

    scale: 1,
    scale: 2,
    transition: {
      delay: 1000,
This animation will be throttled of 1 second. ☝️


The native Popmotion Repeat feature is supported.

Three parameters are available:

  • repeat that is the number of times the animation will be repeated. Can be set to Infinity.
  • repeatDelay, a duration in milliseconds to wait before repeating the animation.
  • repeatType that supports loop, mirror, reverse. The default is loop.
    scale: 1,
    scale: 2,
    transition: {
      repeat: Infinity,
      repeatType: 'mirror',
Zboing!. ☝️

Transition Types

Two types of animations are supported.

For the most Common Animatable Properties, it will uses generated spring transitions.

The rest of the properties might be using keyframes.


Springs are used to create dynamic and natural animations.

It supports multiple parameters:

  • stiffness

A higher stiffness will result in a snappier animation.

  • damping

The opposite of stiffness. The lower it is relative to sitffness, the bouncier the animation will get.

  • mass

The mass of the object, heavier objects will take longer to speed up and slow down.

    y: 100,
    opacity: 0,
    y: 0,
    opacity: 1,
    transition: {
      type: 'spring',
      stiffness: 250,
      damping: 25,
      mass: 0.5,


Keyframes ared used mainly for color related animations as springs are not designed for that.

It also works with numbers though.

It supports multiple parameters:

  • duration

The duration of the animation, in milliseconds.

Defaults to 800.

  • ease

Supports multiples types:

  • An easing name
  • Array of easing names
  • Easing function
  • Array of easing
  • A cubic bezier definition using a 4 numbers array

Supported easing names:

  • linear
  • easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut
  • circIn, circOut, circInOut
  • backIn, backOut, backInOut
  • anticipate
    y: 100,
    opacity: 0,
    y: 0,
    opacity: 1,
    transition: {
      duration: 300,
      type: 'keyframes',
      ease: 'easeIn',

Per-key transition definition

Transition properties supports per-key transition definition.

It allows you to create complex animations without using the apply function.

To do so, you have to define key-specific transition inside your transition definition.

    y: 100,
    opacity: 0,
    y: 0,
    opacity: 1,
    transition: {
      y: {
        delay: 1600,
      opacity: {
        duration: 1600,
The y transition will start when the opacity one is over. ☝️